Florida Traffic School
On-Line Traffic School For Florida Drivers With Traffic Tickets Or Citations
The services provided by NoPoints4You.com or theTrafficSchool.com traffic school are not legal services, and there is no attorney-client relationship formed or attorney-client privilege created by signing up for the services of the traffic school. This Florida traffic school is not affiliated with the law firm of Finebloom and Haenel, P.A.. For each person who purchases a course and/or product from the traffic school as a result of visiting the law ‘s website, however, the traffic school pays the firm a portion of the course fee. Legal ethics rules require that the firm advise its clients who are considering using the traffic school’s services of the following: the cost of the traffic school’s services which are explained on the traffic school’s website; if you wish, you have the right to talk with an independent lawyer before signing up for a traffic school course; and by acknowledging that you have received and understood this information.
The Law Offices of Finebloom & Haenel provides traffic ticket defense for speeding ticket, traffic violation, running a red light, toll violation, had your license suspended, involved in a traffic accident, or have been arrested for DUI. Contact our attorneys today to discuss your traffic offense.