Remember the excitement surrounding studying and practicing for your driver’s license as a teenager. The potential to drive around town with your friends was enough to inspire many to learn the rules of the road. Well it may be time to revisit the excitement and dive into relearning the rules of the road. If you were recently given the option to avoid points on your record and attend traffic school then this is one class you should take. Available for civil infractions, attending traffic school is a very good idea. Not only will it help you avoid points and keep your insurance rates down, but can also help refresh your memory on important rules that will hopefully avoid future traffic tickets.
When you receive a ticket for a citation in Tampa, you are presented with three basic options:
- Pay the ticket: If you decide to simply pay the ticket then you will not only be admitting guilt but also automatically placing points on your driving record.
- Elect traffic school: When this option is available, take it. Can we say that enough in this blog?!
- Fight the ticket: Fighting the ticket is always an option, although choosing to do it on your own may not be the best idea.